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3 September , 2023

The most iconic and desired 5 types of printable textiles with better performance and feature are here. Pearl, Samba, Canvas, BlackBack and GreyBack of high quality waiting for your order! We are constantly improving our offer. Therefore, we decided to include in our portfolio new large-format fa...Read more

26 June , 2023

Backlit - PVC banner enlighted from back is one of the most prefered material for digital print. This outdoor media is proven by time, but it could be hard to install it and reach even light distribution. You need whole installation team for it. The companies are mostly using standard b...Read more

25 April , 2023

Have you ever experienced that illuminating feeling of getting an awesome idea so you start to creating new product, looking for great employees, clients and partners, making a marketing plan, investing all of your spirit, mind, body and social life to make it all happen, and then... well, nobody kn...Read more